
2024-2025 Awarded Grants


Flexible Seating for Chandler School
This grant provided flexible seating options for the second grade classrooms. Providing opportunities to use flexible seating helps students to stay focused and provide movement opportunities without disturbing classroom learning.  




Alden School Music Department - Easy Riser

The Easy Risers purchased for the Alden School music classrooms have increase student engagement, allowed for smoother transitions and provided size appropriate seating options for the wide range of student sizes. Ms. McWilliams (Alden Music, Band and Chorus) is thrilled with the risers and was impressed with the immediate impact they made in the classroom. Students love them, moving them for activities is a breeze and students' posture while playing their instruments has dramatically improved! 



American Sign Language Workshop- Professional Development

Ms. Robertson, Duxbury High School American Sign Language teacher, attended the the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) annual convention in Philadelphia in November. The workshops provided valuable strategies and tools that will greatly enhance her ability to teach and engage students in ASL

3D Printers for Duxbury Middle School 
This grant was submitted by Michael Brown, Duxbury Middle School student, and Mr. Reale, Duxbury Middle School Tech Education. The grant will provide new learning experiences with 3D design and modeling through state of the art printing methods. 


Duxbury High School Dance Team Start-Up Equipment
This grant provided the new Duxbury High School Dance team assistance with equipment including mirrors, speakers, microphones and yoga mats to use as part of their practices and events. 

Relaxation Stations for Alden School 
This grant was submitted by the students of the Alden School Student Council to fund equipment to create small, calming spaces within classrooms for students to take a quick break or as an alternate space to work. The Alden School Student Council proudly delivered the products to the classrooms and assisted with setting up the stations in the classrooms. 


DEF Grant Highlights

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