

The mission of the Duxbury Education Foundation (DEF) is to provide grants for innovative educational programs that benefit the students, teachers or staff of the Duxbury Public School system. We provide the resources to turn a great idea (big AND small) into a reality!

Please complete the application for an Educational or Professional Grant to submit your request. 

Click HERE for the Educational or Professional Grant Application


Not quite ready to submit the full application and want to discuss your request with the DEF Grants Committee? 

Click HERE to Contact the DEF Grants Committee to Discuss an Idea


Please email questions to grants@duxburyeducationfoundation.org.



Educational Grants Criteria

Eligibility: Applicants must be Duxbury Public School staff or applicants may be from community organizations with a compelling proposal.


A proposal is appropriate for a DEF grant if it:

  • Displays innovative, creative and educational ideas
  • Enriches or enhances existing educational programs
  • Provides students with learning experiences that encourage creative thought processes and problem solving skills
  • Is a student-driven proposal
  • Consistent with curriculum goals of the school system, where applicable
  • Includes clearly-defined goals, activities, outcomes
  • Fosters school/community relationships
  • Impacts a significant number of students/residents
  • Falls outside the regular municipal or school budgeting process
  • Encourages leadership and creativity in teachers, administrators and students


DEF WILL consider funding:

  • Equipment, supplies, and materials necessary for implementation
  • Training, if required, for implementation of the project
  • Consultants or outside speakers
  • Workshop fees
  • Stipends


  • Salaries or substitute teachers
  • Routine supplies and operating costs (e.g., text books, utilities, building maintenance)
  • Refreshments
  • Lobbying or religious purposes
  • Scholarships

Example of an Approved Educational Grant





Professional Development Grants Criteria 

Eligibility: Applicants must have been teaching in the Duxbury Public Schools for at least three (3) years. Grant recipients must plan to remain teaching in the Duxbury Public Schools for two (2) years after completion of their project. Teachers may apply individually or as part of a group. Coordinator, Director, Assistant Superintendent or Department Chair (where applicable) and Principal must indicate that the Professional Development opportunity is appropriate.


A proposal is appropriate for a DEF professional development grant if it:

  • Improves practice, curriculum, and student achievement
  • Demonstrates application to professional growth and renewal
  • Leads to development of creative educational programs
  • Allows teacher to broaden knowledge and skills
  • Explores new and innovative teaching methods
  • Leads to collaboration with colleagues and students, potentially across disciplines and grade levels
  • Recipients are required to exercise professional leadership by sharing their new learning with their colleagues


DEF WILL consider funding:

  • Conference registration fees
  • Consultants or speakers in educational fields to work with teachers



  • Travel expenses. Exceptions will be considered. 
  • Coursework toward degrees
  • Regular curriculum development normally funded by the school budget
  • Stipends or substitute teachers
  • Refreshments

The Grants Committee reviews all submitted applications and applicants are assigned a liaison to follow the grant from start to finish. Applicants can expect be contacted by their DEF liaison to field any questions or to clarify the project's details. Grants will be presented to the DEF Board of Trustees by the DEF liaison for approval within 2-4 weeks of submission.  Please note, educational and professional grants submitted after May 1st may not be reviewed and/or awarded until the next school year. 


Grants are not intended to replace or relieve existing responsibility for public funding, nor are they intended to substitute for normal budget growth and maintenance.


DEF Grant Highlights

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