
Request for DEF Expense to be Paid

Trustees, please fill out this form if you have received an invoice for a vendor to be paid by DEF. A copy of your form will be emailed to the DEF Treasurer to make the payment.


  • Please fill out completely with description payment to be made. 
  • Attach purchase orders or invoices as a file. Keep original copy in case it is requested by the DEF Treasurer. 
  • Click Save and Continue at bottom of form to submit. The DEF Treasurer and DEF President will receive an email of your request.
  • A receipt of your submitted request will be e-mailed to you. Please keep for your records).

Expense Category

How should payment be made?


Provide itemized list of what was purchased. Attach list as file below if needed. 

Attached invoice or purchase order file. Keep original. 

Attach invoice or purchase order file. Keep original.


Provide name of company or vendor contact. 

Provide direct link to website to make payment.

Provide itemized list of what was purchased. Attach list as file below if needed.