
Grant Application for Staff/Organization


The Grants Committee reviews all submitted applications and applicants are assigned a liaison to follow the grant from start to finish. Applicants can expect be contacted by their DEF liaison to field any questions or to clarify the project's details. Grants will be presented to the DEF Board of Trustees by the DEF liaison for approval within 2-4 weeks of submission.  Please note, educational and professional grants submitted after May 1st may not be reviewed and/or awarded until the next school year. 

Contact Information

Grant Overview
Indicate DPS administrators supporting the grant.

Type of Grant (reset)

Grant's Area of Interest(s)

Schools Benefiting from Grant

Approximate Amount of Grant (reset)

Grant Details

Upload additional documentation for reference.

What is the timeline for implementation of the grant? (reset)


Who is the grant's intended audience?

How will you measure/evaluate the success of this grant?


Is your grant dependent on receiving the full amount of DEF funding? (reset)

Have or will you request funding from other sources? (reset)

Would funding be needed in the future to continue the work of this grant after DEF funds are granted? (reset)

Please provide a PDF/scan of a quote if you have already received this from the company. 

Please press "Save and Continue" to submit your grant application. Thank you!

DEF Grant Highlights

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