
Example of Approved Student Led Grant (2023-2024)


(student's email) 


Applicant(s) Name(s): 
Josie Sullivan



Applicant's Grade/School

12th - Duxbury High School 



Sponsor's Name   

Caitlan Sheehan 



Sponsor's Email 
(sponsor's email)


Sponsor's Role at Duxbury Public Schools 
DEI Director K-12 



Title of Grant

Framery-O Sound-Proof Study Pods 


Grants Area of Interest(s)
School Furnishings, Well-being


Schools Benefiting from this Grant

Duxbury Middle School, Duxbury High School


Approximate Number of Students to Benefit from this Grant 

The pods would be available to both middle and high school students, therefore, approximately 1,486 students would be impacted by this grant. Additionally, the pods would be available for teachers to sign out as well and therefore 257 staff members would have the opportunity to utilize these pods for instructional planning and more. 


Approximate Amount of Grant

over $2,500


1-2 Sentence Description of Grant

Framery-O pods for the library to provide a soundproof space for students and staff to have a workplace free of all distractions.



Detailed Description of Grant 

The award-winning Framery-O study pod provides a soundproof space for students and staff to have a workplace free of all distractions. I am requesting two pods as a trial run for our district to add this alternative option for people to study efficiently and effectively. I hope that with significant student interest from this trial run, the school will be able to provide more pods in the future so more students will have the opportunity to use them. The pods are made with durable, sustainable materials that will be an asset to our school for many years to come. They are equipped with automatic ventilation with a total airflow of over 21 l/s. The air in the pod is circulated before, during, and after use. They have Sound-dampening panels that absorb the noise from users in the pod and from devices they use to ensure that all recordings will be heard cleanly and clearly. They have 4000K / 300 lux LED lighting along with a total airflow of 21,5 l/s, 45 CFM (77,4 m³/h), and a speech level reduction of 30dB. The cost covers the pods as well as the installation fee that will be completed by Framery professionals. They would be located in the center of the Library plugged into the outlet right across from the Librarians desk. They are measured at 221 cm x 100 cm x 100 cm (h, w, d) 87 in x 39.4 in x 39.4 in (h, w, d). They contain a table made of Formica laminate on birch plywood including an outlet and an adjustable chair. They are powered with USB-A+C and can be plugged into the traditional outlet. 


What is your inspiration for this grant? What experiences or needs have led you to make this request?

In our open-style library setting, privacy can be a challenge. Framery O pods address this issue by providing an enclosed space where students or staff can work or study without the distractions of an open environment. Lastly, the design of these pods often considers the well-being of users, incorporating features that contribute to a comfortable and ergonomic workspace. This includes considerations for lighting, seating, and overall user experience. It would be an overall privilege to have within our district.



What are your goals for this grant?

The Framery O Study Pods will provide a quiet and distraction-free learning environment for our schools. Specifically, they will enable learning conditions that enhance concentration and productivity for many students and staff across both the middle and high schools. I hope that the school will provide more pods in the future based on a significant student interest and they can become a long-term benefit to our school. 


How is your grant innovative or creative?

The features that make Framery O study pods innovative include their acoustic design, flexibility, ventilation, technology, and design and wellness focus. Framery pods are designed with acoustic considerations to create a soundproof environment. This helps users focus on their tasks without being disturbed by surrounding noise. Additionally, Framery O study pods are modular and can be easily moved and reconfigured within a workspace. This flexibility provides us the potential to adapt our library layouts based on changing needs. Framery O pods typically come equipped with a ventilation system, ensuring a continuous supply of fresh air. This is important for the comfort and well-being of users, especially in enclosed spaces. Some models of Framery O pods, including the pods we hope to purchase, feature integrated technology such as power outlets, USB ports, and connectivity options, allowing users to stay connected and charged while working or studying. The design of Framery O study pods is sleek and modern, contributing to the overall aesthetics of our contemporary library space, which enhances the visual appeal of the workspace. 


What is the timeline for implementation of this grant?



Describe how this grant will be implemented.

Starting with two pods would be a perfect way to give students a preview of the future of distraction-free learning. 


Describe who you will be working with on this grant. Please include if other staff or organizations will be involved.

Caitlan Sheehan and School Librarian, Kara King


Who is the intended audience for this grant?

Students, Teachers and Staff


How will this audience benefit from the grant?
To provide data for my grant, I sent a survey out to my peers to collect information about their opinions on the learning environment in our school. It was gathered that 82% of students feel overwhelmed by the distractions at school and have to complete a lot of their work at home due to the lack of quiet spaces. Included on the form was a photo of the pods asking students how frequently they would use them and 80% of students said they would use them. The statistics show that these pods would be an asset to our school and would benefit many students daily. The option we have right now for a “distraction-free space” is wooden cubicles that are open and not an efficient option for students. According to data collected by our school librarian, Kara King, the cubicles are only being used by students 15% of the time. I am certain that replacing them with study pods would be an integral addition to our school.  


How will you evaluate or measure the success of your grant?
Share results with sponsor to share with staff

Cost of Materials, Supplies or Fees

$9,850 per pod


Links to specific products (ex. Amazon), product websites or registration sites
Framery O website


Total Project Cost


Total DEF Request



Is your project dependent on receiving the full amount requested from DEF?



Are you able to redefine the scope of your project if only partial funding is available? If so, how?
Purchase one pod instead of two


Are you requesting additional funding from other sources?



Would funding be needed in the future to continue the work of this grant after DEF funds are granted?




DEF Grant Highlights

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